Russian Parliament to ease tourist visa restrictions and extend their period of validity

April 01, 2014
Russian Parliament to ease tourist visa
The Russian Parliament proposes enhancing its tourist visa facilities such as lengthening the validity of tourist visas and easing the visa requirements for getting a visa, reports the government website.
To reduce the difficulties in visa application requirements for foreign tourists and to lengthen their period of stay from 30 days to 6 months, the government intends to propose a bill.

The proposed measures are aimed at making things easier for foreigners who visit Russia for various reasons that include scientific and cultural exchange.

A statement says that these expected changes will significantly ease visa eligibility requirements for citizens of those countries, which may introduce similar changes for Russian citizens who want to visit overseas.

Last year, nearly 15 million Russian tourists traveled abroad, according to the Federal Tourism Agency, a 20% increase compared to the previous year. There has been an increase of 10% in foreign tourist arrivals visiting Russia last year, and by 2017 this may reach 23 million annually.
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