Increasing sanctions against employers hiring undocumented migrants won't stop abuse

December 08, 2015
The government of UK had presented the Immigration Bill for the year 2015 that proposed two key changes. Primarily, it brings in latest and enhanced sanctions against those employers who employ migrants without documents, and it also includes the criminal and civil punishment obligatory by the courts.

Increasing sanctions against employers hiring undocumented migrants won’t stop abuse

The result is that the employees could be more exploited due to some of the employers manage risks by lowering the wages and increasing the working hours. Presently the employers could be fined upto 20,000 pounds for each worker that is found working without any consent.  And there is increasing proof that the employers in the restaurant and food sector are repeated targets of the raids by the immigration officials. And as a result, the employers are suffering losses in their business.

The proposed law also plans tougher regime against the migrants by introducing a criminal offence of work without proper documents.

This Immigration Bill additionally allows the deduction of migrant wages before deportation, the imprisonment and prosecution of the employers and lastly the forced closure of the business. These are some kinds of penalties for the most vulnerable employees in the UK and the employer would be treated as potential criminals if this Immigration Bill is passed unchanged.

In a newspaper which was published in the month of September 2015, the government of UK had said that its goals are to make it tougher for the migrants without documents to reside and work in the UK, by imposing tighter sanctions and penalties on the employers.

The message informs is that the goal is to prevent the abuse and focus on the bad employers. The way of removing the abuse is not to promote it by grudging the individuals of the insufficient wages they had already earned.

The proposals would make life harder for the migrants with no proper documents and it raise the potential of their abuse as the employers would want to pass onto them the expenses of tighter sanctions regime.  The migrants with no documents knows very well that the part of employer’s basis for paying them fewer is that they bear the threat of sanctions and incursions and thus realizing that they should accept less wage and if the sanctions become more severe, they are left with no option but to accept even less in order to maintain their job.

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